Alumni Series: Dana Aronson

This month’s alumni spotlight is Dana Aronson! She’s the CEO of Wild Kin Botanicals and has been serving her community with her clinical herbal knowledge.
A Relaxing Holiday Tea Blend for You and Your Family this Season

The holidays can be stressful for anyone. Here’s a relaxing herbal tea blend recipe for the season: Catnip, Rose, Tulsi, Linden, and Melissa.
Alumni Series: Sandy Siegal and Botanicalife

In our new monthly blog series, we spotlight an alumni of the Berkeley Herbal Center.
This month’s article is about Sandy Siegal and botanicalife
Our Name is Officially Berkeley Herbal Center

We want our name, Berkeley Herbal Center, to reflect who we are. An established, pioneering herbal center with a bustling community and a deep rooted connection to our planet.
How to Make a Suspended Cold Infusion (Recipe!)

A suspended cold infusion is easy to make: Put your herb into a tea strainer on top of your cup. Pour room temperature water over the herb. Let sit.
Easy Herbal Elderberry Syrup Recipe for Immunity

Improve your immunity and kick the cold and flu season to the side with this easy to follow herbal elderberry syrup recipe.
The Alumni Series: What It’s About and How You Can Be Featured

We’re excited to announce that we’re starting a blog series dedicated to our herbal school alumni! Here’s info about the series plus how you can be featured
Using Plants to Connect to the Goddess: Artemis

Connect with Artemis using plants. She is the Queen of the witches, goddess of the moon, the herbalist, the midwife, the hunter.

Yarrow also helps establish physical boundaries. It stops bleeding like a charm. It also protects the immune system, which is our body’s boundary system.
Summer Skin Care Quick Tips from an Herbalist
As the summer season approaches, we find ourselves spending more time outdoors soaking up those glorious rays of sunshine. Here’s some quick tips for you!