Alumni Series: Marianna Kowalczyk

This month our Alumni Spotlight is shining on Marianna Kowalczyk. She moved to the Bay Area to pursue engineering but stayed as an herbalist!
Alumni Series: Kirsten Loesch

This month our Alumni Spotlight is shining on Kirsten Loesch! She moved to the Bay Area from Germany and graduated from our clinic program. Here is her story.
How to Use Tulsi Holy Basil in Herbal Medicine Making

Ocimum sanctum – more commonly known as Holy Basil or Tulsi, is a fantastic healer with a rich history. Here’s how to make herbal medicine with holy basil.
Alumni Series: Katherine Novotny, RH

This month our Alumni Spotlight is shining on Katherine Novotny, RH! She moved to the Bay Area from the Midwest and became a pillar at BHC. Here is her story.
The New Berkeley Herbal Center Website

We have a new website! We added online herbal courses, better navigation, and clarity to our programs!
Flower Essence 101: The History, the Uses, and a How to

The history of the flower essence, essence FAQ, plus how to make a mother and daughter flower essence for your herbal medicine cabinet.
Alumni Series: Caitlin Covington

This month’s alumni spotlight is on Caitlin Covington, the founder of Flora Stone Apothecary and she works predominately with women and energy medicine.
How to Make an Herbal Monograph (And a Monograph for Rose!)

An herbal monograph is an easy guide to botanical and therapeutic information about a plant. Here’s how to make one, and a rose, rosa spp monograph!
Alumni Series: Kerry Hughes

This month’s alumni spolight is shining on Kerry Hughes! She graduated from our school in 2012 and she has been heavily focused on herbal formulation since!
Heart Opening Herbal Steam Recipe

Here’s a heart opening steam recipe for Earth Day 2020. Your steam has hawthorn, rose, rosemary, mint, and orange peel for your herbal heart allies.